Additional Products & Services

Astra Rent offers a range of services and products, designed to meet your every need and make your trip even more comfortable!


Additional guide

Give each member of your company the opportunity to drive the car you rent, and enjoy the journey as a… co-driver, with the Astra Rent Additional Driver service.
The service is available at any time during your rental, with a charge of € 5 (plus VAT) per rental day for each additional driver.


Child seats

If traveling with your children, ensure their safety with a child seat from Astra Rent for € 4.5 (plus VAT) per rental day. Choose from:

  • Child car safety seat category 0 + / 1: Ideal for children weighing between 0 – 18 kg.
  • Child car safety seat category 1/2/3: Ideal for children weighing from 9 -36 kg.
  • Booster seat: Ideal for children weighing between 15-36kg.

All child seats offered by Astra Rent are approved by the European Safety Regulation ECE 44/04.


Snow chains

During the winter months, if you plan to travel to an area where you will encounter snow, you can include in your reservation snow chains with a charge of € 8 (plus VAT), in order to avoid any restrictions on movement, but also for your safety.



Each receipt / delivery is charged € 14 within the city
Outside the city, the charge will be an additional 1.20 € / km
Charge for each delivery or receipt after opening hours: 23 €